Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Transcribed from the original documents in the Wilder Archival Collection located in the library.

Articles of Association
Orland Mutual Horse Thief and Felon Detective Society
Filed for record Jan. 1 1895 at 3 p.m. Misc. Record No. 10 page 241
                                                               A. F. Day Recorder - Due $1.00

Sec. 1
We the undersigned citizens of Steuben county and State of Indiana do associate ourselves together for the term of twenty years from Dec. 27th, 1894,

Sec. 2
Said association shall be known as The Orland Mutual Horse Thief and Felon Detective Society.

Sec. 3
The object of the association is the forming of a company for the purpose of detecting and apprehending horse-thieves and other felons, or offenders against the criminal laws of this State, for mutual protection against the acts of such horse-thieves and felons, and for the reclaiming of stolen property, and with the consent of the Board of Commissioners of Steuben County may designate any or all members of the association, who in pursuit and arrest of horse-thieves and other offenders against the criminal laws of this State, shall have all the powers of Constables.   

Sec. 4
In order that we may receive the benefit of an act of the Legislature passed Dec. 27th, 1865, we do subscribe to the above Articles of Association and adopt a Constitution and By-laws to govern said association.

State of Indiana County of Steuben, SS:
E. A. Wilder being first duly sworn upon his oath says:
That he is a member of the Orland Mutual Horse Thief and Felon Detective Society, which is located in Orland, Steuben County, Indiana; that all of the signatures which re attached to this Articles of Association which are herewith filed are genuine according to the best of his knowledge and belief.
E. A. Wilder
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of December 1894
Milo Thompson,
Justice of the Peace

 Name of Members                                                            Residence

Chester D. Salisbury                                                          Orland, Ind.
Orrin Brown
William Barber
Ira D. Merrill
E. A. Wilder
Milo Thompson
I. A. Lyle
D C Squires
B.F. Barber
S. N. Alcott
J G Parker
Charles L. Alcott
JJ Wilkinson
Alonzo A. Smith
O.T. Kimball

Roll of Members of the Orland Mutual Horse Thief and Felon Detective Society, organized Dec. 27, 1894.      (Click on names to make larger)

From the Steuben Republican Jan 30, 1895

The Board of Commissioners Saturday on the recommendation of the Orland Mutual Horse Thief and Felon Detective Association, appointed special constables as follows: Chester Salisbury, Orrin Brown, Wm Barber, Ira Merrill, E. A. Wilder, Milo Thompson, I. A. Lyke, D. C. Squire, B.F. Barber, F. H. Alcott, J. G. Parker, Charles Alcott, J. J. Wilkinson, Alonzo A. Smith and O.T. Kimball.  Lawbreakers would do well to steer clear of Orland and vicinity hereafter.