Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Family History

Following is a short history of the Zabst family, read recently at the family reunion.
 John Zabst was the second child of John and Margaret Lance Zabst, and was born in Germany, March 24, 1817.  When but 14 years of age, he and his sister came to America.  He earned a living by driving a horse on a canal running between Massillon and Cleveland.  The following year, his parents cane to America and with them settled on a farm in Crawford County, Ohio, working at whatever he could find to do. 

John Zabst
Catherine Weaver was the fifth child of Frederick and Mary Magdelena Bermela (Beiramela) Weaver, and was born at Eaton, Germany, Oct.23, 1823.  When ten years old she with her brothers and sisters and widowed mother came to America and settled on a farm in Richland County, Ohio, working out to help support the family.

Over 60 years have passed since the subjects of this sketch were united in marriage at the home of her mother.  The began their life together in a little log house situated in a deep forest in Crawford County, Ohio.  They lived here four years, then sold their farm and with their two children, George and Amanda, and what household goods that were of a necessity, started out, driving overland in a large covered wagon in search of a more favorable location, having no idea as to how far, where or what their destination might, getting nights lodging at private houses and doing their cooking along the road.  The end of ten days found them at Angola.  The trip was made without mishaps or incidents
Catherine Weaver Zabst
except once, near Toledo, they got stuck in the mus and had to pry the wagon with fence rails. They had a little colt following the team and in passing through Swanton, Ohio, where were a number of horses and the colt got lost among them and staid behind while the rest journeyed slowly onward, they not missing it until some five miles out.  Grandma waited by the roadside, while Grandfather retraced his steps to find the colt.  Commencing housekeeping anew in a little log cabin, they cleared and settled what is now known as the old Zabst homestead, three miles southeast of Angola, there being at that time  only ten acres of cleared ground.  Spinning and rocking the cradle with one foot at that time was a very familiar scene in this household for now more children had come to live here, Magdalena, Margaret, Sarah, Cassie and John.  Grandfather had to haul his produce many miles, going to Hillsdale or Waterloo, taking from two to three days to make a trip, leaving Grandma alone with the little children. The whip-poor-wills would call and hoot owls screech, making things more weird and Grandma more timid.  The deer were plenty and often came up close to the cabin.  Working hard together, they managed in the fourth year to build a good barn, and in the eighth year they moved out of the old house into a new,  Willie and Frank now prattle at their mother's feet.  From two hearts that beat as one we have reached the fourth generation.

Steuben Republican November 11, 1903