Monday, December 7, 2015


Crowds Will Scramble For Share In Biggest Free Prize Event

     Santa Claus will come to Angola by aeroplane Friday afternoon in one of the biggest free prize sharing events ever conceived by the merchants of Angola.  The opening of the
Christmas season here will be celebrated by the raining down from the skies of myriads of colorful "Santalites" which will contain valuable gifts for those who are on hand to pick them up.  "It sounds almost to good to be true," said Glen Maxwell, who is the chairman of the merchants division of the Angola Chamber of Commerce. which planned the big event.  "However, it is real, " continued Mr. Maxwell.  "There are no strings attached, no obligations and there will be no blanks.  There is a prize for everyone who captures one of the little messengers from Santa's plane.  It is simply a goodwill gesture on the part of the Angola merchants who are celebrating the opening of the Christmas shopping season.  It is for old and young alike and is all free," concluded Mr. Maxwell.
     In preparation for the event the streets in the business section for two blocks each way from the public square will be barred from traffic at 2:00 p.m. to give the prize seekers safe opportunity to share in the scramble.  It is for adults and young people alike, and there are no restrictions, according to the merchant group.
     Prizes vary from hair cuts to bird feeders, from ice cream to anti-freeze, from table clothes to hamburgs, and the list may be seen elsewhere in this newspaper*** -- and there many of several kinds, until the list will reach nearly 2000.  Each "Santalite" will contain a gift certificate and the finder may go to the store and claim his prize.  It will be fun and profit for everybody.
     The elaborate Christmas decorations on the public square which have always been the occasion for wide comment, will be lighted up during the evening and Christmas will be in the air all over the city.  The merchants invite everyone to come to Angola, and whether they buy or not, everyone is still invited to come and get a start for the Christmas spirit.
     Following the excitement, the stores of the city will be open Friday evenings to give people and opportunity to see what is new and desirable for the Christmas season, with suggestions for a Christmas selection. 
     Angola merchants have arranged a schedule for open evenings during the holiday season.  Beginning Monday, December 9, store will be open evenings up until Christmas Eve, December 24, and every possible accommodation and assistance is assured by the merchants to all who come to the city for holiday shopping.


 Steuben Republican - November 27, 1957