History of Steuben County 1885 pg: 536-537
Clayton Mallory - Obituary
Son of David and Cynthia (Collins) Mallory, was born in Castleton, Rutland county, Vermont, July 28, 1816, departed this life May 5, 1903, aged 86 years, 9 months and 9 days.
In 1836, when twenty years old, he came to Indiana. His father came in the spring, while Clayton, the eldest son, followed in the fall, bringing the rest of the family with him. In 1844, the deceased purchased the present homestead where he lived continuously until the time of his death. In 1844, he was married to Thirza Collins, of Jamestown, who departed this life in 1852. In 1853, he married a sister of his first wife, Jane Collins, who died in 1883. In 1886, he was married to Mrs. Lida Healy, who survives him. He always took the lead in advancing all enterprises that were for the public good, and had served in all the offices of the township. He was a county commissioner two terms and was at one time township trustee. All trusts imposed in him have been fulfilled with efficiency and fidelity. At an early age he professed faith in Christ and united with the Baptist church. He remained a member of this church until it was disbanded, after which he never united with any other.
On April 7, he suffered a slight attack of heart failure. These attacks continued, becoming more frequent and severe. He felt no pain, but the tired heart simply grew weary and at last ceased to beat, bringing to close a long and useful life. One child, Ella T., preceded him to the spirit world. He leaves a wife, two children, Oscar F., and Mrs. Carrie A. Caswell, four grandchildren, three sisters and one brother, besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. He was a true husband, and affectionate father, a kind neighbor, and a noble, upright citizen, whose power for good was always felt in the community. The funeral was at the family residence, Sunday, May 10, Rev. T. L. Dyer officiating. The burial was at the Jamestown cemetery.
Steuben Republican May 1903