Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Princess Kil-so-quah

Daughter of Miami Chieftain Coming - To Attend the Old Settlers' Meeting in Angola August 14th.

Frank L Adams, president of the Old Settlers meeting, has closed a contract to have present at the coming meeting in August, the famous old Indian lady, Kil-so-quah, aged 103 years, daughter of Chief Little Turtle.  One of the greatest previous attractions for the Old Settlers was Chief Simon Pokagon, and now Kil-so-quah will be no less an attraction.,  Mr Adams is surely arranging a fine list of entertainments for the meeting August 14th.

Chief Little Turtle, who was the father of Princess Kil-so-quah, was a Miami chieftain, which tribe roamed through the Wabash valley prior to the coming of the white man.  He was quite well known to the early settlers and was a friend to them.  His grave is in Allen county.  The princess, and there is no question concerning her royal Indian ancestry, now lives in Huntington county, this state, and although she is more than a hundred years old, she retains a vivid recollection of those early days.  Because of her advanced age, it is not possible for to make many long journeys, and the people of Steuben county are fortunate that they are assured her presence on this occasion.  She will speak at the program for the old settlers exclusively in the Methodist church in the morning, and if possible will appear on the afternoon program in the courtyard.  She is probably the last full blooded Indian in Indiana.

Steuben Republican July 16, 1913

Old Settlers Day - August 14, 1913

Kil-so-quah, the Indian princess was here according to agreement, but was so feeble and sick that she could have but little part in the exercises.  Looked as if this would be the last old settlers meeting for her.  The truth is she ought not to have come, for to ask a woman 103 years old and sick to ride 130 miles in an automobile in one day is out and out cruelty.  When  the son was asked why he did so, he answered by saying, "We needed the money."

Steuben Republican August 20, 1913