Monday, August 2, 2010

Jesse H. Carpenter

Jesse H Carpenter was born in Erie County, Ohio, July 12, 1837, and was the son of Harlow J. and Fanny (Mery) Carpenter, he a native of Vermont and his wife of Connecticut, who settled in Otsego Township, of this county, in 1850.   Jesse did not come until the spring of 1851, having remained in school in Ohio.  He began teaching at Hamilton shortly after coming to this county.  At the age of 19 he was appointed station agent at Lawrence, Ohio which he held for three years.  He then went to Illinois, and engaged in farming for three years until the outbreak of the civil war.  He enlisted in the volunteer service in April 1861, but the quota of the first call was filled before his organization reached Springfield.  In July he again enlisted in Chicago and was taken to New York City where on September 8,1861 he was mustered into the U.S.Service as a private in Co. B 1st New York Marine Artillery. He was assigned to the gunboat Vidette and was with General Burnside's expedition to Hatterass Inlet, and the capture of Roanoke Island, and Newburne.  On March 16, 1863, he was mustered out of the navy and soon re-enlisted in the U.S. Engineering Corps. in which he served until September 1863

After the war he returned to Otsego township and engaged in farming with his father.  He served as trustee of Otsego township five years and in 1874 was elected auditor of Steuben county and moved to Angola, where he has since resided.  When a young man he became a member of Angola Lodge 236 F. & A.M., and subsequently of Angola Chapter, Angola Council, and Apollo Commandery Knights Templer of Kendallville.  Upon the organization of Angola Commandery he became a charter member.  He was a charter member and assisted in the organization of B.J. Crosswaite, Post G.A.R., April 29, 1883, after was a post commander in 1888, after which he was for 17 consecutive years post adjutant.  In May, 1898 he was elected Junior Vice Commander for the department of Indiana, and in 1902, was appointed inspector for that year, all of which offices he filled with credit.

He was married to Francis M. Brown September 29, 1870, she died May 31, 1893.  To them was born one son, Robert H.   On Jan 11, 1900 he was married to Mrs Susan Dutter Truesdal.

Jesse H Carpenter died at his home in Angola, February 22, 1905, aged 67 years, 7 months and 10 days.

Steuben Republican March 1, 1905
Atlas of Steuben County Indiana 1880