Saturday, May 22, 2010

Decoration Day in Angola - 1901

This National Holiday Most Fittingly Observed in Angola

Another Decoration Day, the most sacred of all civic holidays, has passed into the annals of history's pages.  This was the day when, in reverent homage, the mightiest of nations paid tribute to its brave and noble heroes, in a way becoming the living and an honor to the dead, all alleviating their sorrows for the silent patriots now sleeping in known and unknown graves, with a proud, glad realization of what the heroism, courage and devotion of the soldiers of the civil and Spanish American wars accomplished for the common country.

The day in this section of the country was ushered in with threatening weather, but as the time approached for the sacred exercises, the clouds scattered and the great illuminator of earth shown down on Angola, which gave cheer to all who were to participate in the day's doings.  Old glory proudly waved from domes, poles, houses and windows, and bunting and beautiful flowers in profusion, came in with their glad presence in honor of the dearest and bravest sons of the United States.

The decoration of the soldiers' graves in the two cemeteries took place in the forenoon, and in the afternoon, the program previously announced, was carried out in a manner worthy the highest commendation.

At 1:00 o'clock, about 500 school children, headed by the Angola Silver Cornet Band, martial band, G.A.R.  W.R.C., marched in an imposing line from the high school grounds to the mound in the public square where each of the children place a little bouquet of flowers at the foot of a marker representing on of the 265 Steuben county boys who "Went But Never Returned."  Then Frank M. Powers delivered and address to the little folks, explaining why they were out on this iccasion with flowers in memory of those who fought the great battles of the cruel war in years long ago.

After the exercises on the mound, the people repaired to the beautiful courthouse grove where the final exercises of the day were to occur.  Thousands of citizens gathered around the stand and listened to invocations, beautiful and patriotic words in song, and an address by County Superintendent Homer Dillsworth, who seemed to be all aflame with patriotic wisdom and endowed with oratory most gratifying to his auditors, who all join in proclaiming his address the richest of the kind ever delivered from a Steuben County platform.  The exercises closed with all feeling that they had once more paid tribute to the martyred soldiery.

Steuben Republican -  June 5, 1901