Thursday, May 20, 2010

L.C. Stiefel Gives Fountain

To the McConnell Park and Same is Accepted by the Council:

At the meeting of the city council Monday evening, R. E. Willis, in behalf of Mr L.C. Stiefel, tendered to the city a handsome ornamental fountain to be erected in McConnell Park in the space in front of the library.  Mr Stiefel's generous proposal included the cost of erecting the fountain which will be around $200.00, and all expense to the city will be supplying the water.  The council accepted the offer with an expression of thanks to the donor.  Mr Stiefel is now in New York, but he left arrangements to go ahead with the work, so that the fountain may be places in position by the time of the opening of the library.  He was notified at once of the act of the council, and will immediately place the order for the fountain.

The fountain chosen is of iron of handsome design.  It is about ten feet high, and has a series of three overflow bowls, which spread the water to the best advantage.

On the heels of this gift, the library board today received the tender of a pair of ornamental lamps on supporting posts, to be placed on either side of the approach to the library, from Mr and Mrs John A. Croxton and children. The offer will be accepted with thanks by the library board at its meeting this evening.

These generous acts by public spirited citizens will add much to the beauty of the park and library, and may perhaps lead to other gifts which altogether will make the grounds the most handsome in this part of the state.  The people of Angola appreciate the spirit in which the gifts were tendered and approve of the acts of the officers in accepting them without delay.

Steuben Republican August 11, 1915
-- The fountain was restored in 2004 and is now inside the library--