Stores Open Each Evening Until Christmas - Free Picture Shows Offered Children Saturdays
Prof. Jackson's carol singers from the high school and David Hughes small band from the county schools discoursed music as the lights were turned on and the show windows unveiled at the signal of the ringing of the court house bell at 7:30 o'clock. The musicians then serenaded various business places, while merry throngs gazed in the beautiful store windows or visited the stores.
Merchants Ready For Large Trade
A visit through the stores reveals a fine array of Christmas goods brought here by our merchants. A larger line may be found of course in large cities, but not a better line of the things that our people want. Local shoppers will do themselves an injustice if they do not look over these stocks.
Many of the merchants are using these newspaper columns freely in carrying the message of their Christmas offerings direct to the home buyer in the home. Look over these advertisements while in the comfort of your home and make out your Christmas list. More ads will appear next week.
Stores Open Evenings
The Angola stores will be open evenings on every business day from now until Christmas. In these comfortable well lighted stores you can do your shopping as conveniently in the evening as well as in the daytime. Early purchasing is urged as it saves the customer much unnecessary last hour worry.
Free Picture Show Saturday
Angola merchants have arranged for free picture show matinees for the children commencing at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoons, at the Angola Opera House. The theater was filled last Saturday afternoon with happy, merry children who greatly enjoyed this courtesy of the merchants and Mr. Brokaw. Every child of fourteen or under will be admitted free again next Saturday afternoon. The show will be "The Avenging Rider" with sound news. Any adult who wished to attend will be admitted at the regular admission charges.
Free Poultry on Saturday Dec. 21
The merchants committee is arranging for free distribution of poultry on Saturday afternoon Dec. 21 at 1:30 o'clock. You may have your choice of turkey, geese, ducks, chickens, guineas, all free of charge except you must catch them youself. They will be released on the streets - be here and get them and watch the fun if you don't get a bird. There will be plenty of chances.
It will be to your interest to do your Christmas trading at home.
Steuben Republican December 11, 1929