Monday, February 13, 2017

THEY HAVE GONE (The Spanish American War)

The Angola Militia Went to the War Tuesday.  A Big Demonstration.

About four o'clock yesterday morning, the long looked-for signal came, calling the boys to arms and to get ready for the fray.  The bells and steam whistles sounded the signal, and in a few minutes after, the blue coat began to hustle to the armory.  Citizens got out earlier than usual, and soon the whole time was in a commotion.  

About 10 o'clock, the streets were full of people to see the boys start.  Bands were playing, flags flying everywhere, and the boys at the armory getting ready and taking leave of friends and relatives.  Husbands parted from their wives, parents from their sons, and lovers from their sweethearts.

At last the great procession started for the dept, headed by the Angola Silver Cornet Band, and immediately behind came the militia with guns and uniforms, 108 strong.   Then came the drum corps, followed by the old veterans, filled with old time enthusiasm, then came the Woman's Relief Corps, with flags floating in the air.  The rear was brought up by the two college companies, over one hundred strong.  These were well drilled and made a very creditable showing indeed.  The whole made one great panoramic scene never witnessed before on the streets of Angola.  As the cast column of men and women moved down West Maumee Street, it was viewed by thousands of people on either side of the street, from the public square to the depot, and afforded an excellent opportunities for the kodac manipulators.

The militia boarded the special train at once, and in a moment the train pulled out with its load of gallant Hoosier boys, while the band played "Marching Through Georgia" and cheer after cheer went up from the thousands assembled, handkerchiefs and hats waved in the air as the train sped on its way southward bound.

The demonstration was complete in every instance.  The public schools, the college, the factories and all the business houses closed and gave all  chance to see our gallant lads start out on their way to help put down the tyrannic government on the isle of Cuba, and give the oppressed Cubans their liberty.  Each one of the militia carried with him a bible, presented by the local agent of the American Bible Society.  May the boys come out the victors in a short time and return home with the loss of their number.

Steuben Republican - Wednesday April 27, 1898

Picture Courtesy of the Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County and Bill Eyster