Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Dr. Lewis E. Carver

Dr. Lewis  E. Carver died at his home in Angola, Ind., March 21, 1890 at 10:30 p.m., aged 83 years and 9 months.  He was born June 22, 1806, in Hebron, Tolland County Conn., and was the son of David T. Carver and Shirley (Tarbox) Carver, who were farmers by occupation and natives also of Hebron.  They were descendents of English ancestors, who came to this country about 1740.

Doctor Carver enjoyed in boyhood and youth the advantages of common and select schools which he attended winters, assisting his father at farm and other work until the remainder of the year until the age of twenty, when he ceased to attend school.  Having acquired a good English education, he engaged in teaching during the winter terms for four years.  In 1828 when in his twenty-second year, he began reading medicine under the instruction of Dr. John S. Peters, of Hebron, with whom he remained for about one year, supporting himself in his studies by teaching.  After leaving Dr. Peters office he was for two years with Dr. O. C. White, and afterward began the practice of medicine, being at the same time connected with a drugstore and continuing until the fall of 1844, when he removed to Indiana, locating near Orland, in Steuben county.  The following winter he taught school at Jackson Prairie and in the spring of 1845 resumed the practice of hid profession at that place, continuing until 1849, when having been elected county treasurer, he closed his business and removed to Angola.  At the expiration of his term of office, in company with Thomas B. Morse, he purchased a sawmill and embarked in the manufacture of lumber until 1855, when he sold out his interest, having been elected county recorder in which office he served for eight years, the last four years being as deputy, after which he engaged in the drug business; for the first two years as manager and clerk for Doctors Howard and Rice, when he bought the stock in trade and continued on his own account until 1865, when he associated with himself  his son Orville as a partner under the firm name of L.E. Carver & Son, which continued until he sold his interest to his son Orville.  In 1873, Doctor Carver began the erection of a substantial brick building on the corner of the public square.  After the completion of the building in 1874, he retired from active labor, living a quiet, peaceful life to the time of his death.  When in active professional life he occupied a distinguished position among the physicians of this county.  In surgery, although the opportunities were limited, he was usually successful, but his practice was principally in medicine, in which he won distinction.  His labors extended over a large extent of country and he endured all the hardships and privations formerly encountered by the pioneer physician.  While in activie business he made for himself many warm friends and a reputation among his fellos much more than local.  In all pursuits of life, professionally, socially and in business, he always commanded the respect and confidence of all.  In religious matters he believed that honor integrity and kindness make a good faith of themselves.

He was married September 6, 1840 to Miss Francis A. Porter, of Hebron, Conn., a lady of more that ordinary ability and worth, who after having shared the joys and sorrows of life with him for nearly fifty years is now left with her five surviving children to cherish the memory of one who has lived a long and useful life.

Steuben Republican  March 26, 1890