Monday, February 24, 2014


Fire about four o'clock yesterday afternoon came near destroying the old Eagle House, one of the oldest landmarks in Angola.  The fire originated in a room occupied by Councilman Frank Bassett as a storage room for hay and straw in connection with his feed store in the same building.  The blaze was first discovered by Mrs. Bassett in its incipiency, and in a few minutes smoke enough belched forth to make people think the whole block was on fire.  The firemen were soon on hand and quenched the flames in fine shape.  The building is owned and occupied by Miss Louisa Orten, who is in very poor health..  She was carried from her cot to the Hotel Hendry across the street and placed in a chair in the office room where she sat and watched the fire laddies save the old landmark, with more coolness than a girl girl of sweet sixteen.  Had the fire occurred at night, the entire building along with Watson's restaurant and the J.A.J. Sowle saloon building would probably have gone up in smoke, as they are all old wooden structures and as dry as punk.  The corner room of the old hotel building is occupied by John Walker, the cobbler and Timothy Gay, the tailor, both of whom kept cool and saved their "last goose."  Mr Bassett estimates his loss at $50.00.  It is claimed that a little 5 year old boy was playing with matches and started the fire, as he was seen to run away from the building a few moments prior to the discovery of the blaze. 

Steuben Republican October 23, 1901