Wednesday, December 18, 2013



Spread Christmas Spirit with Lavish Hand--Formal Opening Thursday Night

 Angola is being decorated in holiday attire this week, ready for the formal opening of the Christmas shopping season on Thursday evening, Dec 8.  At 7:00 o'clock the lights will be turned on and windows unveiled, it will be seen that the well known reputation of the city for its beautiful holiday decorations has been fully maintained.  New lighting equipment was supplied this year, and the arrangement for lighting the monument with flood lights has been turned to advantage to enhance the beauty of the public square.  Four fine trees have been placed on the mound in the square with four strands of colored lights.  Street lighting posts have been turned into Christmas trees with various colored.  Thursday evening at 7:00 o'clock, the Legion band will come out and lead the procession of happy people who will officially welcome in the Christmas season. All the lights will be turned on, Santa Claus, we are told, will be here, and the Christmas windows will be lighted, and the Old Man Gloom will be routed.  The Psi Iota Xi Sorority  and the High School Girls a Capella Choir will sing.

For the entertainment of the children during the Christmas season, the merchants have arranged for three free matinees on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 10,17,and 24 at the Brokaw Theater.  Parents are invited to leave their children there while doing their Christmas shopping.

Sugar Distribution Saturday

The free distribution of sugar which has been carried on during the past few weeks, will be continued
on Saturday afternoons at 2:00 o'clock with many fine gifts added.

Stores Ready for Season

The stores of Angola are blossoming out in full Christmas attire.  Fine stocks of merchandise are ready and suitable gifts for everyone can be found.  The prices this year run lower than for many years, and the public will be surprised how cheaply Christmas cheer may be provided.  The new lines of Christmas toys are very unique, with a tendency toward the substantial and useful.  Purses, jewelry, man and women's wear, furniture, hardware novelties and electrical equipment are all available at very reasonable prices this year.

Fine programs are being arranged in the schools and churches, opening Sunday afternoon with the College Chapel in the Christian church auditorium to which the public is invited.

Steuben Republican December 7, 1932