Wednesday, September 25, 2013


This year, through the co-operative help of all liberal minded citizens of the community, one epoch in the history of the Angola Schools was brought to a close and another of of broader usefulness to the community was ushered in.

The plan of the Board of Education to construct a new vocational building, incorporating a gymnasium and auditorium, could not be realized, due to the fact that the cost of construction exceeded the bonding capacity if the School City by more that 20,000.

Community Gymnasium 1923 before brick facade
The demand on the part of the students and patrons of
Community Gymnasium 1924 after brick facade 
the school for a gymnasium was very general, but hope for obtaining the coveted object was waning when a courageous citizen voiced the sentiment of the community and called a meeting of those interested in building by voluntary subscription a gymnasium for the use of the school and various organizations if the community.  It took the prophetic vision of Major Guy Shaughniss to foresee the possibility of actually building a community gymnasium.  He had a plan drafted and called a meeting at the court house of all citizens.  The fact that only a few people attended the meeting was no indication of a lack of interest.  The plan was presented and served as a basis for discussion.  A committee consisting og C. A. Redding, chaiman; Guy Shaughniss and H.B. Allman was then selected to determine the actual needs and to revise the plans.  A few days later, a second meeting was called, where the building committee presented more detailed plans.  Attorney A. C. Wood recommended that a corporation to be know as the Angola Community Building Company be organized.  Major Shaughniss was selected as president, and the previous building committee was endorsed and instructed to proceed with the completion of the plans and the erection of the building.  A finance committee consisited of F. A. Emerson, Ed Williamson, and Herb Metzenberger, to whom was delegated the task of raising funds.

The building committee then employed W. A. Bunker as superintendent of construction.  During fair week vacation, boys of the high school volunteered work and began excavation for the basement, and dug trenches for the foundation and walls.

The committee than called for bids and let the contracts for the foundation and materials for construction.  C. A. Redding, chairman of the building committee, took charge of the work in person, and the success of the project is due to his tireless efforts to get the building enclosed and ready for use during the present year.  Much credit is due to carpenters and helpers, whose interest in the undertaking prompted them to put in extra hours and expend extra energy to hasten the work.

The dedicatory ceremonies were held on January 27-29.  On the opening evening the school children gave a program.  This was followed on the next afternoon and evening by a series of basketball games, with the formal dedication at a mass meeting Sunday afternoon. 

Since the day if the opening the building has been in constant use.  Extensive improvements have been made in staging and scenery.  The building can be changed quickly from am attractive auditorium with a seating capacity of 2,000, to an excellent gymnasium with a playing floor fifty by eighty feet, and room to adequately accommodate 1500 spectators.

Through the contributions of citizens, $6,300 was raised, of which $5,200 has been paid.  The total cost of the building to date is approximately $12,000.

The lot on which the building is located is leased to the Community Building Company.  The Board of Education then rents the building from the Community Corporation.  The building is still unfinished, and as soon as the funds are available the brick will be put around the outer walls.

The Annual Key 1922
Angola School Yearbook