Friday, April 13, 2012


The Body Snatchers At Work in the Vicinity
The Grave of David Tugwell Robbed of its Inmate

About the time we went to press last Wednesday morning, the news came to town that the grave of Mr David Tugwell, who died at his residence two miles north of this village and was buried in what is known as the Sowles' settlement burying ground, has been robbed of the body.  Mr William Anderson brought the news to town, with a piece of the coffin which had been found by those examining the grave.

It seems that, some days previously, it had been noticed that the grave showed that it had been tampered with, but nothing was done toward investigating the matter until last Wednesday, when, after a consultation by several of the citizens of that neighborhood, it was determined to examine the grave and ascertain the facts,  whereupon Mr Anderson and others proceeded to open the grave and found the coffin empty - containing only the grave clothes.

It seems horrible to think of the fact that the ruthless, inhuman body snatcher has come to our vicinity and plied his nefarious work at the graves of our own well-known and respected friends, friends dear to heart recently rent by sudden bereavement.  Mr Tugwell was one of our most respected old citizens, one who had worked hard, finished his labors and lain down to rest in the embrace of mother earth, and there his body ought to have been left in peace.

Herald Republican Wednesday December 19, 1877