Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Joyce Library

The Joyce library and reading rooms are assuming an air of completion.  Several hundred volumes of books have been placed upon the shelves, among them which are the very best and latest works, besides all the standard authors and reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, histories, etc.  Mr. Joyce expects to keep abreast with the times in the purchase of the newest, clean good literature of the day for his library.  A natural physical appetite can only be satisfied by nutritious food which supplies the wants of a healthy body and insures growth, a rounding out of natures plan.  So the intellect must be nourished with high, pure, noble thoughts in order to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth," as the wise designer has planned it. 

The appreciation felt by people of Orland and vicinity to Mr. Joyce for his magnificent gift cannot be expressed in words.  As Time, the great revealer of all truth, rolls along its mighty way, it will be said of Mr. Joyce that he too, "builded better than he knew."  Orland has the honor of having built the first church (the Baptist) in the country, and now we are justly proud that another honor has placed Orland in the front rank, by having the first free library fully equipped, beautiful in all its appointments, a gift to Orland and vicinity.  The library room for artistic beauty in design and finish is said by good judges to be second to none in the state,  When in Orland see for yourself.

Steuben-Republican January 14, 1903