Thursday, March 17, 2011



New Structure to Front on East Maumee Street With Ample Windows Along Side

     Plans for the proposed new post office building in Angola were received this week by Postmaster Faulkerson, and are on file at the post office.  The material of the structure will be brick, trimmed with sandstone.  The building which is 48 x 92 feet in size will front on East Maumee street, setting back from the present sidewalk a few feet.  Steps will run direct from the sidewalk on each side of the center entrance turning to a porch in front of the entrance door which will have a half circle transom.  There will be a window in the front on each side of the entrance.
     The building will run lengthwise on Martha street, a few feet east of the present sidewalk, the center line of the whole building being located west of the center line of the lot.  The sides will have frequent windows to give plenty of daylight to the interior.  At the rear of the building will be a drive and  loading platform making the entire ground plan run to a space of 119 feet.
     The side walls will be built square to the top, with the roof concealed and with stone trimmed panels on the sides and front.
      A basement will be excavated about tow-thirds of the distance under the building, which space will be used for the heating plant and fuel room.  There will also be a swing room for carriers and storage vaults for stamps mad supplies in the basement.
     The main floor of the building will be fourteen feet high. The floor in the lobby will be of tile, while the ceiling and walls above a three foot six paneled wainscotting will be of plain plaster.  The postmaster's office will be located in the northwest corner of the first floor, and immediately back of it to the south will be a vaults for valuables and a door leading into a cage for the financial division.  The main lobby will be in the front of the building, extending from the postmaster's room across the front.  The drops and windows will be along the partition.  On the east side of the building a bay will lead from the lobby for access to the lock boxes. Back of the partition will be a commodious work room for the carrier's cases and the dispatch clerk.
     The plan calls for all modern conveniences in the way of lighting and telephone connections.  The plan, while compact, is apparently commodious enough for business which has been transacted through the office during the past several years, and with possibilities for increases for years to come.

Steuben Republican December 12, 1934