Wednesday, February 23, 2011

John N Ousterhout - Obituary

John N. Ousterhout was born in Richland County, Ohio, in 1825.  In 1848 he and an elder brother, James C., came to Steuben County, Indiana, and bought 160 acres in section none, Salem Township, now owned by by John Beigh and David Haskins.  They came from Ohio with an ox team, which was a great help to them in improving their land.  In the fall of 1949 John N. purchased 120 acres in sections four and eight.  In the spring of 1851 he went to Jasper County, Iowa, where he bought eight acres if land and lived there two years.  In 1853 he returned to Steuben County and the following year he sold his property in  Salem Township and engaged in running a saw mill on section fourteen, in Salem township, where he lived until 1859.  In December, 1859, he bought the farm where he resided at the time of his death, which occurred January 6, 1901.  Mr Ousterhaut had been twice married.  His first wife was Nancy Hammond, a native of Ohio, who died in 1853, leaving two children, Mary A., wife of John Slick and Samuel E Ousterhaut.
 He afterward married Sarah Haines, a native of Pennsylvania.  To them were born seven children, Viola, wife of Adelbert R Wood, Ralph Ousterhaut, Cora E., wife of Loren J. Clay, S. Victoreene, wife of George L Delong,  Tranis Ousterhaut who died in infancy, Lille M., wife of Wm Morrison and Alta G. Ousterhaut.  During the Civil War he was an active member of the Flint American Legion, an organization whose object was to defend the state from raiders.  He was first lieutenant of this company, it was organized March 31, 1868. and was not disbanded until after the close of the war.  Mr Ousterhaut resided until 1892 in what was known as the Block Church.  He bought the building in 1860 and moved it to its present location.  This house is one of the relics of pioneer days. He was a great reader and was well informed on all public questions, and was always known in his neighborhood as an excellent citizen and neighbor and his acts of kindness will long be remembered.  He was well informed on all questions and points of law and took great pleasure in counseling with his friends and neighbors.  He was a very active member in the Masonic fraternity as long as health would permit him to attend.  Deceased leaves a wife and eight children to mourn, all of whom were with him in his last illness.  Funeral occurred at the North Salem Church on Tuesday, January 8, Rev. A. G. Neal, of Angola officiating.