Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Large Flock of Fowls of All Kinds Will Be Released from Tops of Business Houses on Saturday - Yours for the Taking 

     How about a nice turkey for the Christmas dinner table free?  Or how about a nice duck, or a chicken or some other kind of fowl?  All free!
      Sounds rather unusual, doesn't it, but nevertheless a large number of fowls of every kind will be thrown from the roofs of the business houses in Angola next Saturday afternoon, beginning at 1:00 o'clock, which will be free to anyone who can catch them.
     That's easy, isn't it?
     To find out how easy it is, just be on hand and enter the turkey and chicken catching contest when these birds are released.  You will have no warning, of course, just at what point the fowls will be thrown out, but they will be in the business section and mostly on the public square.
     There is no charge for entry.  The only thing you need to do is to catch them, tie them up, and put them over your arm and walk away with them.
     Why not try salt on their tails?  That used to be an old-fashioned recipe for catching birds.
     Some folks say a turkey will hop onto a hot pole.  Well, you may try any way you wish to catch them.
     One thing is certain - that if you are not in Angola next Saturday afternoon, you will miss oodles of fun and perhaps be short a fowl that might fly your way and right into your hands.
     In case blizzard weather prevails, the poultry throw will be held on Monday afternoon instead of Saturday.

Free Show for the Children

     The free matinees at the opera house for children of fourteen and under will be held on Saturday afternoon, December 21.  This feature has proven very popular in the previous Saturday afternoons,  the theater being full to capacity.  You are invited to leave your children here in safe surroundings while doing your Christmas shopping.  Adults will be admitted to the theater at the regular rates.

The Steuben Republican, December 18, 1929