Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fire at Scott Township School

On Tuesday Evening of last week while Sadie Showalter, teacher of school district No 1, Scott township, was sweeping the school room after the scholars had left for home, she heard a noise at the door and on opening it was met by a middle aged man whom she took for a tramp.  The man asked her if she was the teacher of the school and how long she intended to teach.  She told him that she was the teacher and that there were eight weeks more of the term. The man than said: "I will bet $50.00  that you will not teach the balance of the term," and then left the school house.  Miss Showalter was very much frightened, as there are no houses near the school grounds, and after securely locking the door went to her boarding place.  About seven o'clock of the same evening the school house was discovered to be on fire by two men who were passing, who giving the alarm succeeded in saving the building after but little damage had been done.  The tramp evidently got in through the window and started the fire in the wood box, and then made good his escape.  The school was dismissed for one week until the building could be repaired.

Herald Republican Wednesday May 7, 1890