Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lawrence Gates

Lawrence Gates was born in Nuremburg, Germany, April 25, 1839 and was the son of Christopher and Sibilla Gates, natives of Germany.  He received a good education, and in 1853, he came, withe his maternal grandfather, to the United States, and settled in Angola, arriving May 2, of that year.  Since his coming, he has been engaged in farming and merchandising until February 6, 1871, when he entered the banking institution of Kinney & Co., where he is at present engaged.  August 9, 1862, he left Angola with Company H, which he helped to organize, and of which he was elected First Lieutenant.  This company became a part of the Seventy-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry.  After the Battle of Chickamauga, he became Captain of the company, and his regiment being part of the Fourteenth Army Corps, he participated in all its engagements until September 15, 1964 when he lost his left leg in a railroad accident at Allatoona, Georgia, on account of which he resigned May 18, 1865.

He was married, June 4, 1865, to Martha E. Sowle, daughter of A.W.A. Sowle, of Angola.  Mrs Gates was born in New York, and had one child by her marriage - Roy Gates, who died in infancy.  Immediately after his marriage, he and his wife went on a visit to his native land, returning in two months.  Mrs Gates died in Angola March 14, 1868, and he was again married March 28, 1869,  to Tina M Elya, of Angola, to whom had been born three children - Milla A., Fred C., Harry L. and Louis A..  Mr Gates is a member of the I.O.O.F., of which he has held one of the Grand Offices, is also a member of the Knights of Honor, and has always been a staunch Republican in politics.  He was the first Clerk of Angola, and has been Town Trustee for five years.  He and his wife belong to the Disciples' Church, of which they are consistent members.  Mr Gates, although coming to this country a poor German boy, has by energy, honesty and a firm determination to succeed in life, won a leading position among the best business men of Angola.

Steuben County Atlas 1880  Page 13, 27

Surname Card File Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County