Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Steuben Township Settlement

As near as can be ascertained, Isaac Glover from Huron County Ohio was the first settler in Steuben Township. He came in 1835 and settled on Pigeon River about one mile from Pleasant Lake, on the farm now owned by Omar I. Clark. Mr Glover proceeded at once to erect a log home which may be regarded as the first log house in Steuben Township. He was the founder of the village Steubenville which was on the farm known as the Dr Clark farm. Steubenville needs being mentioned as it at one time flourished and was the center from which the early settlers gathered around. The village flourished for only a few years, and now not a home remains. (This is not to be confused with today's Steubenville in southern Steuben county)
Mr  Glover lived here six or eight years when with his family he moved to the Maumee Valley where he died.

The first farmhouse was built by Abner Winsor in 1836, and is now standing on the farm of Hiram Croxton.
The first child born was the daughter of Seth W Murray in 1836.
The first death was the mother of Gideon Ball.  She died in 1836 and was buried in the grave yard at Pleasant Lake.
The first couple married was Reuben Warnick and Sarah Davis.
The first school house was built in 1837 in the village of Steubenville and is not now standing.
The first school teacher was Miss Lucy Avery, now Mrs Widow Herricks living in Otsego county.  She received as wages $1.50 per week, in the spring and summer of 1837.  She has in her possession the basket in which she carried her dinner, and as this occurred before the "New Departures" she boarded around and collected her own bills.
The first preacher was the Rev. Jared H. Miner who came from Sandusky to Otsego township where he died.
The first store was erected in Steubenville by Anson Wood & Co. in the winter of 1836-37.
The first Physician in Steuben township was Dr. A.P.Clark who located in Steubenville in 1836.
The first P.O. was established in 1837 at the house of Seth W. Murray and was called Steubenville.  Mr Murray was the first Post Master and is now living in Howard County Iowa. The mail was received every two weeks and carried on horse back, the route being from Defiance Ohio to Lima, Indiana.
The first Grist Mill patronized  by the early settlers was at the Union Mills in Lagrange County. The first sawmill at Flint in this county.
The first grain sold in market from Steuben was at Toledo, Ohio and Adrian, Michigan. at prices ranging from 37 1/2 to 60 cents per bushel for wheat.  Afterwards Defiance, Fort Wayne, Coldwater, and Hillsdale received our grain.
The first orchards were put out by Abner Winsor and Seth W Murray on the farms now owned by Hiram Croxton and Mrs. S.C. Aldrich.

In the year 1835 the following persons moved into Steuben township:  Isaac Glove and family, Seth W Murray and Family, Alex Britton and Family, Daniel Cummins and family, ___ Davis and family, Reuben Warnick and O. Barnard.
In 1836: Abner Winsor and Family March 1, 1836, Woosier McMillen and Family, James Perfect and Family, John W Carter and Family, Hiram Nilos and Family, Dr A.P. Clark and Family, Jas. Long and Family, John Lowrey and Samuel Croxton.

In 1837: Jonas Carter aged 71 and Family, Lewis Carter, Eliger Burch, Eber Thayer, James Forward and Joseph George.

Early Settlers Meeting  October 29, 1873 Samuel Carter, S. B. George, Jacob Abbey  -Committee