Thursday, August 4, 2016


    This photo was taken in 1881                                 Courtesy of Mrs. George Beard

(1) Jennie Gale was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gale.  She became the wife of Frank Killinger, and some years since moved to Toledo, where she still lives. 
(2) Della Rice was a daughter of the late D. Rice, is now the wife of Judge Emmet A. Bratton, lives in this city and is well known to many of the Herald readers.
(3) Frank B Olmstead, when a young man was a clerk in the Williamson & Coe Hardware store, which was in the room now owned by Milton Brokaw and occupied by James Finch's billiard room. Frank left Angola twenty or more years ago and went to Chicago, where he engaged in the book publishing business.
(4) Vella Gale was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gale.  She is now Mrs Mrs Newell Lewis and resides in on West Maumee Street.  She has always lived in this county or city.
(4) Alma Coe was a daughter of W. D. Coe, who was for some years engaged with I. N. Williamson in the hardware business in this city, but moved later to Chicago, and from there to California.  Alma married a Mr. Knapp, and that is all we have been able to learn of her.
(6) Ora Rice, another daughter of the late Dr. Rice and sister of Della Bratton, married George Beard and lived in this city most of her life.  Of late years she has several times changed her residence, but now lives in the city of Fort Wayne.  She, too, is well known in this city and county.
(7) Ruth Coe, another daughter of W. D. Coe, went west with family.
(8) Charles Ward, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Ward, lives on a farm near Coldwater, Mich., and is recognized as a progressive and influential citizen.  He is the brother of Walter Ward.
(9) Elsie Morse Scoville was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. David Scoville and lived with them in this city until she was married to Frank Owen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owen.  During the summer seasons, Mr. and Mrs. Owen with their two children live on the farm, near Crooked Lake, but spend the winters in their comfortable home on West Broad Street.
(10) Stella Parish, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Parrish, is now the wife of W. G. Cary, the blacksmith, and lives in this city.
(11) Alice Ward was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Ward, and sister of Charles and Walter Ward, and of Mrs. Jacob Mountz.  She is now Mrs. Ira Thomas, of near Edon, Williams County, Ohio.
(12) Mary Carmony was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carmony.  She married a J. W. Cook and is living in Wilson, Kansas. She was a sister of Perry Carmony, who lives in the south part of this city.
(13)  Orville Goodlae - well, who don't know Orville Goodale.  He has been county clerk, city councilman and is now at the head of Goodale & Goodale Abstract firm.  He is a big bodied, big hearted, whole souled and good natured citizen, but not quite as handsome as when this photo was taken.

Angola Herald Wednesday July 26 1911